Freelancers salute their furry coworkers with adorable photos

Freelancers Union celebrated the launch of a special pet insurance discount by inviting freelancers to share photos of their furry coworkers

Let’s just say the future of freelancing looks bright with this incredible workforce.

They help us remember the essentials:

They help us remember to take breaks:

They pitch in with tough tasks:

They help us beat writer’s block:

They help us get back to work!

And they help us meet new people:

Rosebud makes a beautiful ballerina! #guidedogsfortheblind #freelancefriend Having a dog forces me to get away from my computer and I always meet new and interesting people which helps me grow my network

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Thanks to everyone who entered the #FreelanceFriend contest -- we’ll be reaching out to the winner soon! And make sure you're covered with pet insurance. Freelancers Union members receive a discount up to 10%!