Freelancers need better benefits

As debates about health insurance roil the country, freelancers are an often-overlooked constituency. (Here's what freelancers need to know about how Trump's recent executive orders will impact them).

In Freelancing In America 2017, Freelancers Union’s and Upwork’s 4th annual study of the independent workforce, freelancers cited access to benefits as a top concern.

Freelancers were more likely than the average worker to have reported being helped by the Affordable Care Act, also known as “ObamaCare,” and a solid majority want it kept as is or strengthened rather than repealed. But premiums are hurting. 54% said they’ve seen costs go up, the second year in a row a majority of freelancers has reported increased prices.

When it comes to purchasing benefits generally, freelancers want portability and flexibility that fits their work lives. Freelancers are working for an average of 4.5 clients per month and want benefits that support them as they move from employer to employer. 70% of freelancers would rather take home more pay and choose their own benefits rather than receiving them through an employer:

And policy-makers should listen up. Freelancers are more likely to vote for a candidate who supports the interests of freelancers, and 72% would be willing to cross party lines to do so:

Open Enrollment for health insurance will be here on November 1st, and believe it or not, buying health insurance doesn’t have to suck. Sign up here to be get notifications and valuable information on deadlines and how to choose plans:

When you buy insurance through Freelancers Union, you help support resources and advocacy for your fellow freelancers, and invest in a non-f****d system. When freelancers stand together, we form a constituency who can demand a better safety net.

Join Freelancers Union (it’s free!) and read the full Freelancing in America 2017 study here (PDF).