• Advocacy

Has the Freelance Isn’t Free Act helped you? We want to hear from you!

In 2016, thanks to the efforts of freelancers who banded together to demand change New York City passed landmark legislation protecting freelancers from nonpayment.

The Freelance Isn’t Free law became effective May 15 2017, stipulating that clients must use a contract for any work over $800, and awards double-damages and attorney’s fees to freelancers who successfully sue for nonpayment.

Has this law had an impact on your life? Have you successfully utilized it to recover lost wages? Has it helped you in getting a contract, or in negotiating fair payment terms? We want to hear from you!

Please tell us your story at

We’re tracking the impact to help showcase why we need better laws for freelancers nationwide. We plan to share member stories on our blog and with the press to highlight its effect.

Curious about learning more about the law or working to enact it in your city? Please visit our Freelance Isn’t Free resources page to learn more.

Nathan Bransford Nathan Bransford is the author of "How to Write a Novel" and the "Jacob Wonderbar" series. He blogs about the writing and publishing process at

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