Health Insurance FAQs for Open Enrollment 2017

The future of the Affordable Care Act is uncertain which means it's more important than ever to be ahead of the game in ensuring that you're covered in 2017.

We will fight for access to quality, affordable care for freelancers and inform you of how any changes will impact you at every step of the way.

For now, please check out our free downloadable guide that covers everything you need to know to get covered now:

Health Insurance FAQs

At Freelancers Union, we fight for better coverage options for freelancers every day. That’s why it is so important for us to stand together - so that we can be sure the next system provides affordable, quality care to the United States’ 55 million independent workers.

When you buy through Freelancers Union, the entire freelance community benefits – at no additional cost to you. We’ve got your back when it comes to insurance: no markups, no hidden fees, and we’ll even help you get the subsidies for which you qualify.

This year, our experts have selected their favorite plans for freelancers, with new helpful guides and new carriers to help you save money in 2017.


Thank you for shopping with us and remember, just because you’re purchasing health insurance as an individual this year doesn’t mean you have to go it alone.

Without your support, we wouldn’t be able to fight for policies like the Freelance Isn't Free Act – landmark legislation just passed in New York City protecting freelancers against late and nonpayment.