- Director Dispatches
Sara About Town
Our fearless founder and oft-mysterious chocolate eater, Sara, is popping up in great places this week:
In The Atlantic, Sara looked back at the history of unions in America to describe a vision for the economy now in “How Do You Build a Union for the 21st Century? (Step 1: Learn From History).” Freelancers Union is using networked economic power to create new opportunities for independent workers every day!
Sara joined the discussion on MPR News’ The Daily Circuit to talk about real experiences of freelancers in the workplace. What is a “regular” job these days? How do you build a system to support freelancers? Listen along and check out the Daily Circuit Blog for other listener responses.
The New York Times followed Sara as she went about her Sunday routine of family, work, and play. When she’s not meditating or farmer’s market-ing, she spends time visiting our new Freelancers Union medical practice site. Talk about work-life balance!
Make sure to connect with Sara @Sara_Horowitz and on Facebook to let her know what you think of these links!