• Advocacy, Director Dispatches

Smells like team spirit . . .

News organizations picked up a new scent: freelancers sweating it out on the campaign trail. Not only did we turn out the independent workers in unprecedented numbers for our Freelancers Union slate, but we also broke onto the political scene in New York City. Crain's Business Journal did a quick write-up about our efforts.

"For the first time, the Freelancers Union has injected itself into city elections, and so far it has done fairly well. It helped six Democratic primary candidates, only one of whom lost Tuesday (City Council hopeful Evan Thies of Brooklyn). Councilmen David Yassky and Bill de Blasio reached the runoff in their races for city comptroller and public advocate, respectively; City Council Speaker Christine Quinn defeated two insurgents, and Jimmy Van Bramer of Queens and Brad Lander of Brooklyn won open council seats. Sara Horowitz, Freelancers Union founder and executive director, says 165 of her members volunteered for campaign work, 80 gave money directly to candidates, and nearly 600 donated to the union's new political action committee. Members also made 2,600 live calls and handed out 8,000 pieces of literature. Horowitz recorded robocalls that went to nearly 4,000 households."

Now we have two of our endorsed candidates in runoffs and we need you to get out the vote again. Sign up here to volunteer and help put David Yassky and Bill de Blasio over the top on September 29th!

Freelancers Union Creating a better future for all independent workers across the United States.

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