• Advice

Why a Digital Detox is Healthy for Freelancers

As we work in the digital age, a topic that's becoming increasingly relevant for freelancers is the importance of a digital detox.  

While being constantly glued to mobiles, devices, and laptops stops you from physically exercising, there is a greater worry that you’re not allowing yourself a break from work. In turn, never being able to switch off from your screen and work contacts can result in feelings of stress, burnout, and anxiety which can be harmful.

In a world where freelancers are constantly connected, taking a step back from your devices can have a positive impact on our mental health, productivity, and overall well-being.

The always-on freelancer

Freelancers, perhaps more than any other professionals, are prone to always being “switched on”. With the flexibility of working from anywhere and at any time comes the pressure to be constantly available. In some cases, a freelancer might have “won” a particular project because they are able to work over a weekend when full-time employees might not be expected to. 

Similarly, if your freelance clients operate from different time zones, urgent project requests, and the fear of missing opportunities can lead to an unhealthy attachment to digital devices. This constant connectivity can blur the lines between work and personal life, leading to stress, burnout, and decreased job satisfaction. However, a digital detox - on your terms around your freelance work pile -  allows your mind to relax and reset, reducing these negative feelings. 

Benefitting from a detox 

The benefits of working freelance are appreciated by an estimated 76.4 million freelancers in the US, who like the increased flexibility, of being able to work in different locations, and of being in charge of your own time management. You’re also not working in an office with a set routine, but are tempted to connect outside of office hours. 

Ironically, those same freelancer benefits can sometimes be the reason for not taking a break from online channels. In this sense, understanding how healthy it is to have screen time is worthwhile. These benefits of a digital detox include many things, from an improved focus and reduced anxiety to increased happiness, and a  better work-life balance. It has also been proven to improve sleep quality, and boosts overall productivity for freelancers by allowing the mind to refresh and refocus. Moreover, stepping away from digital devices can strengthen personal relationships and reduce negative feelings associated with social media use.

Making the most of your digital break

If you’ve recently moved from a full-time employee to a freelancer or have some time off to attend relevant networking events, add the dates to a calendar on your kitchen wall (not your phone!. These in-person meetings are a great way to grow your business and boost your client base while taking you away from your screen for days that are still productive. 

Likewise, make sure it’s a meaningful break from anything to do with your freelance work. Choose all the activities that you put off and don’t think you normally have time for but activities that you know are healthy, such as doing activities or exercise you enjoy. Your well-deserved detox might be the best time to sign up for new classes. If you’ve always wanted to join a club, learn how to play golf, cook your favorite recipes, or take piano lessons.

With the changing seasons, it’s physically and mentally healthy to spend spare time outdoors - without Strava recording your every move! Whether it's gardening, yoga, running, swimming, or simply sitting in a park, being active in nature is great for you. When you’re in a beautiful park or hiking in a stunning wooded area, be present to reduce stress and increase your overall sense of well-being.

In addition, if the weather is bad, enjoy your guilt-free break from online channels by rediscovering the joy of reading entertaining books that provide an escape from work and devices. If creativity is your thing, painting, writing, and mending clothes that you’re desperate to wear again, are all fantastic ways to get off the screen. 

Planning your digital detox

Without being too prescriptive, here's how to choose a day and plan your digital detox. Remember, you might only want to give yourself a few hours a day off, or a week, it’s up to you. When you're not consuming online information, your mind has time to come up with incredible new ideas. Here are tips for setting your screen-time break in motion:

  • Look at your project schedule and client commitments. Plan your detox during a quieter period to minimize disruptions.
  • Inform your clients and collaborators about your upcoming unavailability. Set up an automated email response to manage expectations.
  • If you typically use digital tools for tasks like note-taking or scheduling, have offline alternatives ready, such as a physical planner or notebook.

However if the idea of a complete detox seems daunting, start with small steps. Maybe begin with a "tech-free" evening or weekend before committing to a longer period. If you’re planning a vacation in London this Autumn or going somewhere else in the world that will take you away from work for a while, plan your schedule before you leave the country. The last thing you want is to be tempted back with online FOMO, but you are doing this to escape digital information overload. 

Therefore, decide what "digital detox" means for you. Will you be completely offline, or just limiting your screen time? Watch out for any work-related triggers that can come out of nowhere!  Whatever way you want to plan your digital break, let your freelance contacts, colleagues, and co-workers know your plans before you switch off.

Adding digital breaks into your working week

If it isn’t realistic to switch off entirely without damaging your working schedule then look at ways to do a mini detox. While an extended digital detox can be beneficial in small bursts, incorporating smaller "detox" moments into your daily routine are always valuable, such as:

  • Device-free mornings: Start your day without immediately checking your phone. Use this time for meditation, exercise, or enjoying a leisurely breakfast.
  • Tech-free lunch breaks: Step away from your workspace during lunch. Enjoy your meal without the company of screens.
  • Evening wind-down: Implement a "screens-off" policy an hour before bedtime to improve sleep quality.
  • Weekend mini-detoxes: Designate certain hours during the weekend as tech-free time.
  • Quarterly detox retreats: Plan a more extended detox every few months to fully recharge.

With all these points in mind, planning a digital detox is especially valuable for freelancers’ mental health, ongoing productivity, and long-term success. Without damaging your freelance workload, it’s possible to take time off by intentionally stepping away from your online devices and, like most things in life, achieving the right balance in your work life, online, and from a personal perspective.

Remember, the goal of a digital detox isn't to completely eliminate technology from your life. Instead, it's about creating a healthier relationship with your digital tools. By finding the right balance, you can enhance your productivity, creativity, and happiness in your freelance career.

Annie Button Annie is a freelance writer based in the UK, specializing in business development, branding, digital marketing and HR. An English Lit grad, Annie has written for various online and print publications.