• Advice

How to Tackle Your AI Concerns and Upskill as a Freelancer

Although Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is not a new concept, its introduction into the mainstream job market happened rapidly following the widespread launch of the original automated content generator, ChatGPT. Indeed, new positions continue to be created in response to AI’s rollout encouraging freelancers to join the ‘AI revolution’.

However, for all the buzz and hype that businesses bestow on AI, many freelancers and remote workers remain fearful about job displacement and the implications for the future. This article explores how freelancers can address these challenges, enhance their AI skills to remain competitive, while maintaining the value of human creativity.

Is ‘AI Anxiety’ Real?

Since its inception, AI has been quickly lauded as having the ability to transform large parts of business operations, affecting organizations and workforces around the world. As soon as the widespread benefits and capabilities of AI tools were recognised, business owners and managers adapted roles to accommodate the new tech. In less than a year, organizations of every size and from various sectors are eager to embrace, experiment, and adopt the time-saving, and cost-effective smart traits of AI.

However, despite businesses heaping praise and signing up for the next AI iteration, many freelancers express worry about the impact AI might have on their jobs. ‘AI Anxiety’ is a new term and a very real feeling for some. Initially, fears started when companies implemented AI tools and began to ask their remote staff and freelancers to consider how they might learn to use them in their day-to-day capacity. 

Coping With AI Concerns

While the issue of AI anxiety is a concern for freelancers, businesses and their HR departments are recognizing their worries and introducing new ways of working and creating policies to address their concerns. HR teams can support remote workers struggling with AI's impact on their roles and mental health. 

With many companies now recognizing a need for this amongst their freelance workforce, measures such as workplace adjustments and inclusion passports can be put in place to develop confidence in embracing emerging technologies. These policies are designed to adapt workplace environments, source the right digital devices or resources, or direct staff to mental health support services. 

Finding Practical Ways to Calm Fears

The major concerns for freelancers (and other employees) are the fear of losing their jobs or being replaced by an AI robot or machine. For some freelancers, even winning a new client might cause anxiety if a freelancer is concerned about lacking the necessary AI skills for a role. Alternatively, others worry about AI’s impact on their role having now realized how capable and powerful the emerging AI tools are. 

When selecting freelance work, choose clients and projects that offer access to AI tools, training sessions, and other resources that can help you better integrate AI into remote services. In cases when freelancers are worried that AI technologies are dangerous or difficult to predict or control, there are Government Reports that calm any security concerns about generative AI and how this technology might evolve in future decades.

Turning Anxiety into Opportunity

AI's influence across various sectors is undeniable with many organizations delighted with the tech’s ability to automate routine tasks, optimize workflows, and generate new ways of working. This latter point applies to freelancers with regular reports citing all the extra opportunities available for freelancers, across every industry. Recognizing which areas of your freelance job can be augmented by AI allows you to strategically position yourself in a shifting marketplace.

While emerging AI technologies continue to improve and new tools appear, freelance and remote workers also experience changes and augmentation in existing jobs, from content creation, image depiction, and automated chat bots. For those who haven’t embraced AI technologies or identified how they complement their freelance role, understanding its capabilities is the first step towards demystifying fears associated with it. 

Future-Proofing a Freelance Career

As AI becomes more integrated into our work lives, the ability to adapt and upskill becomes crucial. Freelancers should focus on acquiring AI-related skills that complement their existing expertise. For example, a freelance graphic designer might learn to use AI tools that expedite routine design tasks, freeing up time for creative endeavors that require a human touch. So, instead of fearing the technology, freelancers can overcome these concerns and harness the tech’s potential to transform their careers

Furthermore, adopting proactive coping mechanisms and strategies can help freelancers to alleviate their existing concerns, effectively learn how to master AI basics on a budget and learn advanced tools if you work in a larger remote-working team. If you are keen to upskill and integrate AI as a freelancer, the areas to focus on include:

Adopting AI for Efficiency

Investigate AI tools that are relevant to your field. Many platforms offer AI-driven solutions that can handle administrative tasks, content generation, or data analysis. Familiarizing yourself with these tools not only improves your efficiency but also enhances your appeal to potential clients who value tech-savvy freelancers.

Continuous Learning and Development

Commit to ongoing learning and visit popular AI teaching platforms like LinkedIn Learning for free courses on AI and how these applications can be applied across various freelance roles. Or, learn up-to-date AI interaction tools that can transform PDFs, documents, images, and all forms of content into useful data. By staying updated with technological advancements, you ensure your services remain relevant and valuable.

Networking and Collaborative Learning

Engage with other freelancers and professionals in the AI space. Online forums, webinars, and workshops are great venues for exchanging knowledge and experiences with AI tools. This network can also provide support and insights into effectively integrating AI into your work processes.

Developing Your Brand

Build a personal brand that reflects your specialized skills and your proficiency with AI. This can be communicated through your online presence—such as a professional blog or a LinkedIn profile—that showcases your projects and testimonials from clients who have benefitted from your unique blend of human expertise and AI utilization.

Emphasizing the Value of Creativity 

Similarly, when it comes to calming your AI fears and armed with the tools to embrace AI in your freelance role, the final and perhaps the most important point to remember is showcasing your personal creativity and individual talents as a human. While AI excels at handling data-driven tasks, it lacks the innate human capabilities of creativity and emotional intelligence. 

In addition to your ability to collaborate, network, imagine, innovate, and exchange new ideas, it’s important to promote your creative talents in the age of AI. So, highlight these skills in your portfolios and pitches to clients, as well as demonstrating your ability to think creatively and solve complex problems. Likewise, in the middle of a project, emphasize the human element you bring, whether it’s your attention to detail, an understanding of nuanced emotions, or your ability to customize a service or a product tailored to a buyer or client. 

While AI brings remarkable productivity and time-saving benefits, it also poses potential risks of job displacement. Rather than being a source of fear, AI for freelancers can be reframed as an agent for creating new opportunities. Taking a well-planned, practical, and positive approach towards AI can help to accelerate freelance objectives, pitches, and grow your business for a healthy digitally-confident future. For extra support and guidance, visit our online resources today.

Annie Button Annie is a freelance writer based in the UK, specializing in business development, branding, digital marketing and HR. An English Lit grad, Annie has written for various online and print publications.