• Director Dispatches, Community

We're hiring a communications and marketing manager!

Do you have a way with words and want to support the freelance community in a meaningful way? We’re looking for a Communications and Marketing Manager who can grow Freelancers Union’s membership, lead marketing activities to support our business goals, and drive a national conversation on the challenges facing freelancers by providing valuable content and resources across all of our channels.

Responsibilities include managing Freelancers Union’s communications calendar, developing and maintaining marketing partnerships, and leading the growth of our blog, email, and online community. Applicants should be well-organized, extremely detail-oriented, and able to translate the mission and values of Freelancers Union into effective member communications.

Freelancers Union is an innovative nonprofit representing more than 500,000 independent workers across the United States. We support our members with advocacy, education, and services, including a national benefits platform, the landmark Freelance Isn’t Free law, and the No. 1 blog for freelancers in the country. Our office is in DUMBO, the first stop into Brooklyn on the A, C, or F subway lines.

See the full listing here.

Working Today Inc. Working Today is a 501c3 nonprofit that supports independent workers in the US through advocacy, education & services. We raise awareness of the unique challenges independent workers face.

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