How to make sure your union gets credit for your health insurance

When you enroll in health insurance through Freelancers Union's website, you support advocacy campaigns like the nationwide “Freelance Isn’t Free” fight against client nonpayment, at no extra cost to you. And our experts will be here for you if you have an issue with your insurance throughout the year.

How does it work?

Our website is connected to our partners’ sites so that when you travel from our site to theirs, a Freelancers Union identifying code is included when you complete your enrollment on the partner’s site. Our partners pay one of Freelancers Union’s affiliates a little bit for each member. And the more people Freelancers Union represents, the louder the voice Freelancers Union has with each carrier. That means our experts have direct access to senior staff and can advocate for members if there is an issue.

Do you need to do anything special to give Freelancers Union credit?

No, as long as you start on our site and complete your enrollment with our partner, you'll be all set.

What if I'm already enrolled?

If you live in New York and already have coverage with EmblemHealth or Oscar, you can select to have Freelancers Union's brokerage represent you moving forward. Please email us a and we can give you instructions to add us to your enrollment with the carrier.

Why does it matter?

Access to affordable health insurance is an important issue for every freelancer, and so is getting paid for the work you do. Freelancers Union’s mission is to represent the needs of independent workers, and when we buy insurance together we combine our voices for the betterment of all. Freelancers Union is actively in touch with policy-makers to advocate for better health policy for freelancers now and in the future.

Buying insurance doesn’t have to suck! Get health insurance and support your union at the same time - at no additional cost to you.