Got health insurance questions? Join us for a webinar on 11/8
Open Enrollment is underway, and it's time for freelancers to select health insurance plans for 2018. We're here to help you understand how to choose the best options for you and your family.
Join our webinar on November 8 at 3pm ET for an overview of health insurance plans, important Open Enrollment deadlines, and how to evaluate what type of plan you need. Ann Boger, our Chief Benefits Officer, will present, with plenty of time for Q&A.
RSVP today, and we'll send instructions for joining the webinar before the event.
For over twenty years, Freelancers Union has helped independent workers access the best possible benefits. This year our experts have again selected their top health and dental plans for freelancers. Our website provides step-by-step information that helps you choose the best plans and make the right choices for you and your family. Check out 2018 Health Insurance Plans here.