Reputable places to find paid writing opportunities

Where are the writing jobs? Great question. Although I don’t profess to have the magical answer to this, I have a few places that I’d like to share with you.

Before I begin the list, there are a few biases that I must point out:

  1. I firmly believe that people should not have to pay for an opportunity to make someone else money.
  2. I also believe that writing is a skill that is worthy of compensation.
  3. The ease of use of a site is important. Therefore, I have not included some of the more traditional places that require people to pay to look for jobs, or go over the river and through the woods just to apply or get hired.

Instead, I have opted to include platforms that are transparent in what is being asked of you. Some of these will be useful for you if you are looking for a long-term commitment and others will be more conducive for project by project opportunities.

Freedom with Writing

Although I am not a paid spokeswoman for any of these platforms, I love this one. Why? Because they tend to get exclusive leads and post writing jobs that I don’t see listed anywhere else. For example, they recently listed several freelance writing opportunities for Forbes. I quickly reached out to some of my mentees and made sure that they followed up. An added bonus is that you will receive the jobs directly to your inbox once you provide them with an email address

It is also worth noting that the site offers opportunities to write for different genres—digital and print. The pay for the writing gigs listed with Freedom with Writing is consistently in the higher pay range and they tend to be for well-known establishments and outlets.

To learn more:

Pro Blogger

I recently learned about this site while helping a husband/wife dynamic duo and another mentee search for some writing gigs. Pro blogger is much like the name suggests—it is all about blogging. The landing page may throw you for a slight loop because the site is not just about finding blogging jobs. It’s also a great resource for writing and monetizing your own blog.

The key to finding writing gigs on this site is going to the ‘jobs’ drop-down menu. And from there, this proves to be one of the most user-friendly sites that I have interfaced with. You can filter by: contract, freelance, full-time, or part-time. The jobs are listed using titles that tend to be quite informative and detailed. Once you find a job that looks like it may be a good fit, click on the link and it will give you even more information. There is even a quick apply button.

Go to:

American Wordsmiths

Don’t you just love the name? This is a newbie and not quite like the others on my list. I was first introduced to this platform on Instagram before they officially launched. Drawn in by their diverse images with quotes by some of my favorite writers, I started following them. On a whim, I sent them a DM. He promptly responded and told me that the site would be launching soon. True to his word, he reached back out when the site launched.

American Wordsmith is not a job board or a forum. It’s a site that is literally seeking wordsmiths or people who have a keen ability to use language to help others share their ideas and concepts. Sounds like ghost writing, but not quite. Here’s how it works: You create a profile and apply. Writers who are selected will become a part of the candidate pool. If a Wordsmith is needed in a particular area, you will receive notification. You determine the projects in your area that you want to work on. Working with members of their team, you conduct interviews and use your writing skills to carve out stories.

Once the story is approved and published, you can move on to the next project. What I love is the transparency of the pay scale; it is listed on the website. The base pay seems to be decent, but there are also some built-in incentives to gain even more pay.

To learn more, email: or check out:

As I learn about more platforms and sites, I will share them with you. If you know of any others that you’d like to share with our readers, please email me: