Join us for a webinar on landing ideal clients!

Think of your ideal client. Wouldn't it be great if those were the only clients you had to work with? And wouldn't it be even better if you didn't have to go chasing them down one-by-one?

In this webinar, co-hosted by []( &utm_medium=marketing&utm_source=partner), you'll learn how to market yourself strategically so you don't have to become an active salesperson on top of everything else.

Let your ideal clients come to you. Join us for a webinar on August 15 from 2pm - 3pm ET.

You'll learn to:

  • Promote yourself and your work without bragging.
  • Attract clients that'll pay what you're worth.
  • Feel confident about charging what you want.

RSVP now!

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Freelancers Union members save up to $100 on Professional! Get started today.