8 tips for writing your freelance services webpage

Stuck on how to write about yourself or what to say on your freelancer services webpage? Here are a few tips that will help you out (plus grab the worksheet to implement these ideas on your website right away).

1. Write as though you’re talking to a friend about your work. What would you tell them about what you do? How would you describe your business and the services you offer? Thinking about it as a friendly conversation with someone you trust can make this process feel less intimidating.

2. Consider what you’d say if you were talking about someone else’s business. Sometimes if you’re feeling sapped for creativity, you just need to take a step back and look at it from a different angle. What stands out to you when other businesses promote themselves? What would you say about them if you were raving about them to a friend? Apply those ideas and phrases to your own business.

3. Include testimonials. There’s nothing quite like letting someone else do the talking for you! Ask past clients (or friends who you’ve provided services to for free) to provide you with honest, genuine testimonials that you can pepper throughout your freelance services webpage.

4. Add samples of your work or a portfolio. This is easy for a blogger offering freelance writing services (after all, your blog IS your portfolio in that case!), but if your service isn’t quite so straightforward as that or you don’t have a blog, a simple PDF with examples or links to your work on other websites or high-quality images of the work you’ve produced will do nicely.

5. Outline what you do (and don’t) offer with your freelance business. If you can get really specific about your speciality niche, that will help clients to understand that you are an expert in your field. You can always also include a note at the bottom of your services webpage indicating that you provide other similar services in a broader sense so as to appeal to a larger audience and get the best of both worlds.

6. Include your prices. If your prices scare people away, that’s probably a good thing, because it means they don’t value your work at its true value. It’s better to remove that extra step a potential client would have to take (in contacting you for your rates), because there is a very real possibility that someone won’t bother to contact you to inquire. Make it as easy as possible for someone to hire you!

7. Describe what makes you unique. You don’t need to say this in so many words (in fact, if you begin a sentence with “What makes me unique as a freelancer is…”, your potential clients will probably raise an eyebrow and click away from your site), but you should highlight what you offer that sets you apart. For example, do you do 48-hour turnaround for rush jobs? Do you have some kind of super specific background that gives you an amazing insight to your work that other freelancers in your industry wouldn’t have? Basically, why should a client hire you over another freelancer?

8. Be very clear about how clients can get in touch with you. Email is my personal favorite, especially since pretty much everyone has an email account (plus, not every potential client will be willing to fill out the contact form you have on your website—remember that it’s about removing barriers and making it as easy as possible for clients to hire you!). You can even include here what your process is or how quickly clients can expect to hear from you if you so choose.

So: where should you go from here? You need to actually get started with outlining the services that you offer! Let me help you with that: click here to get a free worksheet that will help you create your freelance services webpage right now.

This is a post from a member of the Freelancers Union community. If you’re interested in sharing your expertise, your story, or some advice you think will help a fellow freelancer out, feel free to send your blog post to us here.