Under 26? Everything you need to know about healthcare

November is upon us. The wind blows a little colder, the leaves drift down from the trees, and the days get shorter. It can only mean one thing...

You heard the man – it’s time to get covered! Healthcare enrollment is officially underway, and if you’re feeling concerned about your coverage, we at Freelancers Union are here to help.

How long can I stay on my family’s health plan?

The Affordable Care Act requires insurers to offer dependent coverage on a family plan until a person turns 26.

What happens when I turn 26?

Besides being one year closer to the big 3-0, when you turn 26, you’re dropped from your parent’s healthcare plan. But don’t worry – you have your very own special enrollment period.

Happy Birthday!

Essentially, you receive a 60-day grace period in which to enroll in a new plan. To avoid gaps in coverage, however, you can enroll before you lose insurance on your birthdate.

I’m worried about affordability.

Check out our catastrophic plans. These are the most affordable plan options for you 26 to 30 year-olds.

I’m married, can I still be on my parent’s plan?

Yes, you can – although it can affect cost assistance amounts on the Marketplace and for Medicaid eligibility. This also applies if you have a child.

Are dental and vision insurance required for young adults?

No – dental and vision are only required for children under 19, but we recommend you get covered.

What if I need a little bit more time?

Not quite ready to get off your parent’s health plan? That’s okay. In NY, there are riders available for purchase that extend dependent coverage from age 26 to age 29. Phew!

I’m wondering how to get my kid covered.

We can help there, too: there are options for child-only plans. You can enroll today in a children’s healthcare plan through Freelancers Union.

Understanding the ins-and-outs of healthcare plans can seem overwhelming at times, but we got you covered!

If you have any questions, please email us at membership@freelancersunion.org or call us at 800-856-9981.

We're here to help with as much guidance as you need.