Cool new features on our blog

For about two years, some of the most frequent comments we heard from our members were things like:

“Requiring a Facebook account in order to to comment on your site is a bad policy. I have some interesting things to share on occasion -- I've freelanced over 20 years. I don't waste my time on FB, and don't care to start now.”

“...that privacy thief, Facebook...”

“It's simple: Don't restrict comments on articles and blogs to Facebook. Contrary to popular belief, everyone doesn't belong to Facebook…”

You get the idea.

So, in true DIY-fashion, we decided to build our own commenting system. Rather than logging into Facebook to comment on our blog, now any member of Freelancers Union can join the conversation.

Now you can go discuss how to price your services. Or go leave questions on our tax post. Happy commenting!

As a bonus, we’ve also added a page where you can see our latest posts, for those of you who like to see them as they come. Bookmark this page, indies!

Hope you like it -- and thanks for speaking up to help make Freelancers Union better. You can always send your ideas to