What should you charge? Here’s how to find out

One of the trickiest parts of going freelance is deciding what to charge.

The other tricky thing is asking other people what they charge (or worse, asking clients how much they pay). Contently wants to help you take the guesswork out of rates. And we want to help Contently compile those rates!

All rates and information will be kept completely anonymous. All you have to do is fill out this google form and then pat yourself on the back for helping you and your fellow freelancers get paid what you are worth!

If you are looking for some real time advice/information from some real life freelancers about rates (or if you have some to share), join the conversation in Hives, our new online community. We have a Hive called “How do you figure out what to charge?”, and it is abuzz with all sorts of useful information.

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