Share your Hive, share the buzz

Our new online community, Hives, is best enjoyed with fellow freelancers, friends, and followers.

That's why we've introduced new share buttons to help you spread the word about a Hive or Hives conversation that you'd like your friends and colleagues to know about. It's just the first in a number of new updates that we have coming for Hives. Let us know what you think!

Not sure what to share? Here are a few ideas:

Find a cool Hive for arts events in your city? Share it with your local friends!

Or perhaps you have a solid following of wanderlusters who might be interested in what’s going on in the Hive for Traveling Photographers, Writers, and filmmakers.

Whatever your beat is there is a Hive for you (and if not, then you should start one!). Help us spread the word by sharing the buzz.