Organize your home office and MakeSpace everywhere else!

In my world, organization and sanity go hand-in-hand. This is even more true when I work from home.

Perhaps you are the type that’s perfectly fine working in a bit of chaos - perhaps that’s how you thrive. However, if you are not that type of person, and you have been seeking some tips and tricks for home office organization and space saving then look no further!

Let me be your neurotic sherpa, up the mountain of efficiency:

Designate a workspace

A home office in a one bedroom apartment isn’t necessarily an option. However, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t have a particular part of your living space that is your designated workspace. Having a designated office space in your apartment, whether it be set up for that, or that you set up every day, will allow you to build steady and productive daily routines. A separate work space to go to in the morning means a separate space to LEAVE at the end of the workday, and it also means an easier time when dealing with tax deductions.

Make it your own

Within your little haven of productivity surround yourself with personal touches or little reminders of why you hustle. You don’t have to be bound by the dreaded cubicle, so you can make your space as personal as you want it. Make sure the space is well lit and consider jazzing it up with a productive color.

Use furniture that has multiple uses

A great trick for maximizing small spaces is to use furniture that has multiple uses such as a console table that can be used as a room divider or against a wall. Check out these amazing convertible desks for home workspaces (try not to drool on the computer, you might want to protect the keyboard before clicking).

Maximize the walls

Cube shelving above your workspace can be used as just about everything from bookshelf to tchotchke display and beyond. These shelves are really handy because of how versatile they are. Any wall mounted shelf system is a great way to maximize storage space without taking up floor space.

Store what you don’t use

Now that you have the tools to organize your home office grasshopper, let’s move on to the rest of your worldly possessions. In the interest of efficiency and space-saving, finding a pocket of your living space for camping equipment might not be super easy. However, investing in a full sized storage space isn’t entirely cost effective either.

If you find yourself with barely enough room for your bed, and you happen to live in NYC (and yes, those things typically do go hand-in-hand), then feast your space-starved eyes on our featured discount partner: MakeSpace. MakeSpace is a great service for people in the middle, who need a little extra breathing room at home, but doesn't necessarily need an ENTIRE storage space that may or may not be bigger than their actual apartment. The service is $25/month for storing four bins and as a Freelancers Union member you can take advantage of a $35 credit!

Ashlee Christian is from the north-side of Chicago and will never stop saying "pop" or eating pizza with a fork and knife, so please stop trying to change her. Follow her on Twitter @nomadnation