11 Small, easy ways to be more mindful this spring

Happy spring, freelancers!

This beautiful season always seems to go by too quickly. So this year, I’ve made a promise to myself to slow down and notice all the beautiful things around me and be mindful of all the small moments, even while I maintain my busy schedule.

I’ve come up with 11 ways I’ll be taking advantage of spring below, and I hope they inspire you to enjoy the season also!

1. Sit outside at a cafe

Watch kids running down the sidewalk and enjoy everyone’s colorful outfits!

2. Take a drive out of town

Go visit a friend that you haven’t seen in a while, and on the way, roll down your windows and watch the trees beginning to bloom.

3. Lie down in the grass in your yard/the park

We rarely look up. Looking through the leaves to a clear sky is magical. (But bring a blanket -- it can get muddy in spring.)

4. Take photographs

I find that taking a photograph of something or knowing I want to photograph my experiences makes me more mindful of my surroundings.

5. Feed ducks at a pond

Just make sure there’s not a sign prohibiting it first :)

6. Skip stones

I love skipping stones. I still think it’s amazing that physics allows this kind of thing to happen.

Photo by Killy Ridols

7. Plant flowers or herbs

Buy some seeds at a local flower story and plant them in little pots, or if you don’t have a green thumb, enjoy watching a small herb garden grow.

8. Visit the farmer’s market

There’s nothing better than mounds of fresh fruits and vegetables, surrounded by the friendly faces of your neighbors. You’ll also be supporting local farmers, which is great (LINK).

Photo by Aude

9. Feel the sun on your face

Yes, prolonged exposure to sunlight is not good. But a few minutes of soleil is so relaxing. Even being mindful of the feeling of the sun for a few seconds on your way from your car to your next gig can center you.

10. Decorate your home/apartment with wildflowers

Stop your car by the side of the road and steal some! Or buy organic at your local flower shop. If you’re on a budget and live in the city, potted flowers work wonders.

Photo by K. Kendall

11. Listen to birds sing right after you wake up

Give yourself an excuse to stay in bed another couple minutes and let the birds sing you awake. Birds are especially enthusiastic singers in springtime!

Photo by Tony Alter

How do you de-stress?