12 of the Best Freelancers & Entrepreneurs on Instagram

Here's a collection of great independent designers, photographers, food artists, fashion designers, and other awesome people, in no particular order.

1. Earthxplorer

This independent video producer travels the world and takes photos of architecture, wildlife, etc. Guaranteed to make you hate your home office and cash in your miles.

2. Vanajeros

Four friends and freelancers drive in a big van down to South America. This Instagram follows their journey.

3. Q. Sakamaki

This New York-based photographer posts iPhone-only shots to his Instagram, which include stark, honest shots of NYC life.

4. Jon Contino

Contino is an artist, illustrator, and print designer well-known for his mix of old and new world style. Cool, very shareable prints & type designs.

5. The Planet D

This couple quit their careers to travel the world and aim to prove that you don't need to be rich or priveledged to do what you love and follow your passions. They're definitely Freelancers Union's comrades-in-arms. ;)

6. Astronautalis

This indie rapper and travel writer could also probably make a living off of travel photos. Just saying.

7. Seanweb

Sean McCabe is a master hand letterer who also teaches lettering and hosts an awesome weekly podcast that covers topics like Finding Clients while Maintaining Professionalism. A must-follow for freelancers.

7. Joythebaker

Oh, Joy. It would be enough if it were a pecan pie. But adding whatever that sugary stuff is on top is just a cruel taunt!

8. Sarkababicka

The British travel and food photographer Sarka Babicka posts delicious, minimalist plates. She also posts recipes and fun stuff on her blog, Cook Your Dream.

9. Mrschhoun

Love San Fran and yummy SF foodiness? Look no further than this Instagram.

10. Farmert

Farmers are independent workers, too! Check out Farmert's fresh veggies.

11. Ihsaan Haffo

This freelance photojournalist from South Africa takes unusual, surprising, and beautiful photos of his home city.

12. JordanaWright

Jordana Wright is a Chicago-based photographer that takes gorgeous travel photos and delicious food photos. Check it out!

Recommend your favorites! I'll add them to the post.