Freelance Pet Story: Ramsay

You've heard of dogs who eat food you leave out on countertops. But what about $50 worth of food in one go?!

Despite Ramsay's enormous appetite, freelance writer & blogger Tara has certainly got a wonderful friend.

Name: Ramsay

Owner: Tara Lynne Groth | |

Favorite activity: Anything with food

Item they have destroyed: $50 gift certificate to a restaurant that was left on the kitchen table. Ramsay ate half the restaurant's gift certificate, and I never enjoyed a meal there!

Ways they brighten your work/life: Ramsay comes with me to festivals where myself and other poets write poems on demand. People light up when they see Ramsay and flock over to pet him - then we write a poem for them!

If they could speak, they would say: "It's time for dinner. Again."

Have a pet that helps you get through your freelance life? Share your pet story today by emailing a photo and filling out the form below to, and we'll feature your freelance pal on this blog and in a photo gallery! Just as we are united through our common love of independence, may this allow our freelance partners-in-crime to be united in a bond of common, loveable insanity.