Large Businesses Are Better Clients: Work Market Freelance Study Released

In case you had any doubts about the future of your freelance career, Work Market has reported that professional freelance labor has increased 11.5% and the average freelancer assignment value is up 23% in 2013. Heck yeah, freelancing.

Some other interesting findings from the study:

  • Total freelancer earnings for 2013 are projected to be 72 percent greater than in 2012.
  • California has the highest demand for freelancers. Texas is #2, New York #3.
  • Businesses with more than 50 employees use the same freelancer for an average of 9 jobs per year. Small business with less than 10 employees use the same freelance for only 4 jobs.
  • Spending on freelancers in media production will increase 1222% in 2014. (You’re probably thinking what I’m thinking: What is that and how can we all do that?)

Freelancers, do you find that bigger companies give you more freelance work? Or have you found that freelancing at small businesses has other advantages?

An infographic from Work Market: