• Advocacy

Be Freelancers Union's Next Member Representative

Are you an experienced freelancer with wisdom to share? Would you like to get more involved with Freelancers Union? If so, we want you to be our next Member Representative on the Freelancers Union Board of Directors.

Freelancers Union was created to serve the interests of independent workers, which is why members’ involvement is essential to shaping the future of the organization. The Member Representative helps us determine our next projects by providing crucial insight into freelancers’ lives.

A two-year commitment, the Member Rep is part of Freelancers Union’s Board of Directors, which helps guide decisions on organizational issues and policies. The Rep attends three board meetings per year (either in-person or by phone) to discuss the organization’s events, campaigns, and other initiatives. The Rep’s term will begin on June 18, 2013, the date of this summer’s board meeting.

Interested? There are two requirements:

  1. You must have been a Freelancers Union member for at least one year at the time of application.
  2. You must be an independent worker, meaning you identify as a freelancer, independent contractor, consultant, temporary worker, or are self-employed. In other words, you must not work full-time as a W-2 employee.

**If you’d like to be our Member Representative, submit your application through our website by April 8. **

At the end of the application period, candidates will be screened and interviewed. Once the final candidates are chosen, the Member Representative will be elected by a popular vote among Freelancers Union members. Voting begins in late May.

Please submit your application and get more involved in the freelance community.