• Director Dispatches

New Look for the Freelancers Union Homepage

Hey look! We changed clothes! And our new outfit homepage looks mighty good, if we do say so.

We improved the look and feel of the homepage, making sure the most important resources for members and recent news are right there at your fingertips. Take a look around and tell us what you think! We would love to get your feedback on Facebook.

If you’re missing some of the things that used to be featured on the homepage, you can find them at their permanent and unchanged homes:

We’ve also made some changes to make navigation more visual:

  • Click the buttons below those big fat pictures like “Freelancer Network” and “Discounts” to go straight to the Community and Discount pages. Enter your zip code and click “Get started” under “Health Insurance” to directly access health insurance options for your area.
  • While the homepage is streamlined, you can still find all pages with the top navigation bar.
  • Don’t forget to check out that group of good-looking freelancers at the top of the page!

Happy browsing!