The Freelance Life: Putting the Free in Freelance

The Freelance Life is our collection of member stories. It lets you celebrate your unique path and share what you’ve learned along the way – or benefit from the wisdom of others’ experiences. Copywriter and member Charlie Allenson loves being a freelancer. For him, the biggest perk is having the ability to design his own work schedule, which he says has transformed his life. You see, Charlie is not just a wordsmith – he’s also a rock star. He plays guitar and sings, and he takes advantage of his job flexibility by exercising his musical muscles. As a volunteer music therapist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Charlie puts on concerts for patients and their families. Want to read about the impromptu hospital wedding dance that was inspired by one of Charlie’s recent performances? Yeah, you do. Then tell us what the freelance life has enabled you to accomplish.