- Lifestyle
Focus on Full-Time Freelancing All Week Long
This great post originally appeared on the Creative Freelancer Blog. Today we’re kicking off a week focused on making the transition from F/T to F/T freelancing (and beyond). First up, the difference between “moonlighting” and “freelancing.” We’ll also have answers from freelancers to the questions: 1. What steps can you take toward full-time freelancing? 2. How to balance two jobs while you’re preparing? 3. How to start getting clients and projects? 4. How to know when it’s time to make the leap?
If you have ideas for this little series, post them in the comments, especially if you want to be a guest blogger.Here’s the first tip: if you’re planning on making the leap yourself this year (or fear it’s in your future): deadlines help. Feel free to use this year’s Creative Freelancer Conference (June 23-24, 2011 in Chicago-early bird deadline is April 1st) to launch your freelance biz. Every year at the event we celebrate and recognize anyone who is starting their biz at the conference.Anyone out there who started their biz at CFC 2010, 09 or 08? How are things going? -Ilise Benun