- Director Dispatches, Community
Friends, Partners, Members, and More at First Benefit
Even the bitterest New York wind couldn't dampen the the glow at Helen Mills last Thursday, where Freelancers Union's First Annual Benefit was in full swing. Guests handed off their heaviest coats at the door, revealing dapper suits and shimmery dresses, and we made sure to quickly fill their empty hands with hors d'oeuvres and cocktails. A jazz trio and a dinner buffet were stationed beneath a slide show that highlighted the faces, milestones, and victories of the last fifteen years of Freelancers Union's work. The lovely evening culminated in a program featuring Sara Horowitz, who reminded us that today, with the worst income distribution in a century, our successes are just the beginning of the work we have to do building protections and power for America's 21st century workforce. We were honored to have policymakers who believe in this work, like State Senator Velmanette Montgomery and Assemblyman Andrew Hevesi, in attendance. For many, the highlight of the evening was seeing Freelancers Union Board members' warm introductions and awarding of the Practical Revolutionary and Squeaky Wheel awards to honorees Richard Winsten, Preston Pinkett, and member Abbe Eckstein. For others, the stand-out moment of the evening was the impromptu chorus of people singing "Solidarity Forever." And we certainly felt the solidarity that evening - thanks to everyone who joined us or supported the event! See more photos on our Flickr page.