Same Great Candidates, New Great allies.
Before you vote this year, I want to let you know about the Working Families Party (WFP) – our newest ally in the fight against deadbeat companies. The Working Families Party is committed to helping us pass our unpaid wages legislation, so we’re determined to help them help us. By voting for Governor on Row E, the Working Families Party ballot line, we’ll be increasing our combined power to pass the Deadbeat Client Bill. You can vote for the same candidates we’ve been endorsing all along, and also support our new political allies. Freelancers Union and WFP share many values and goals: fair pay, good jobs, good benefits, and a more affordable, livable New York. Much like Freelancers Union, WFP backs candidates who will do the best job fighting for our agenda, looking at the records of ALL candidates running for office, no matter which party. (See the candidates we endorsed in your area by using our new customized-slate tool.) You can vote WFP no matter if you're a registered Democrat, Independent, or Republican. It won't affect your registration. But it will strengthen the party that's fighting for the things freelancers care about, like better health care benefits and the Deadbeat Client Bill. To vote WFP on Election Day, skip the lines for Democrats and Republicans on your ballot and go straight to row "E," the Working Families line. Vote for Freelancers Union’s endorsed candidates under the Working Families Party and send a message that it’s time for our politicians to keep their promises to us. Want to learn more first? Ready to commit? Either way, I encourage you to join myself and WFP Executive Director Dan Cantor on a special conference call for New York freelancers and activists. It's coming up soon - Tuesday, October 26 - so RSVP today and we'll send you instructions for how to participate on your computer and phone.