Post election wrap-up

Since we endorsed Mayor Bloomberg for re-election last month dozens of Freelancers Union members got to work to ensure that his campaign was successful. Two Thursdays ago, over 30 volunteers from Freelancers Union got together at the Midtown office of Mayor Bloomberg’s re-election effort, and hit the phones. Not only did we call over 1,000 of our own members but a dozen members went out to provide some assistance with the campaign’s visibility efforts. Nothing like handing out palm cards on the streets of New York to get a true feel for how friendly (seriously!) our city of 8 million souls is. Then last Tuesday we joined the campaign on Election Day and provided over 35 volunteers who fanned out from Bay Ridge to Washington Heights and helped turnout the vote. Tuesday’s results bore that hard work out and showed that every phone call, email, blog post, and flyer handed out at a subway stop was worth it. We joined dozens of other unions and thousands of other volunteers to ensure Mayor Bloomberg’s re-election. Together, in a very tough election season for incumbents we helped bring the Mayor across the finish line and make sure New York City’s future will be even more freelancer friendly. We want to hear from you about what you thought of our endorsement process and what we could do better in the next round.