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How do you say "Us, too!" in Dutch?
Looks like the Netherlands and Freelancers Union are of a single mind again. (Who could forget our amazing transcontinental campaign to rename the orange tulip "Labor of Love" in honor of freelancers everywhere?) A Dutch think tank has recently recommended developing a national unemployment protection system (pdf) of its own. The Volkskrant reports:
Onvoldoende bescherming. De groep constateert dat de crisis zichtbaar maakt dat bestaande regelingen onvoldoende bescherming bieden. ‘Meer dan een miljoen zelfstandigen verblijven in een soort niemandsland als het gaat om sociale bescherming. De vaste baan garandeert allerminst werkzekerheid en aan de onderkant zijn allerlei minimale regelingen ontstaan’, stelt de groep.
The Dutch News and I are pretty sure that means:
The current crisis shows the current social security system does not offer enough protection, the authors of the article say. 'More than a million freelancers are in a sort of no-man's land when it comes to social security. People with a permanent job have some sort of security and there are lots of regulations to help those on minimum incomes,' the article states.
Sounds awfully familiar.