A Message from Sara: Why should I trust Freelancers Insurance Company?
Some members have raised concerns about the viability of Freelancers Insurance Company. I’d like to put some of those worries to rest. First, FIC holds $16 million in capital reserves. Those reserves sit in the bank and serve only as back-up in case FIC needs extra funds. For every $100 of premium income, the Insurance Department requires FIC holds an additional $25 in reserves. In addition, the Insurance Department mandates that insurance companies must have reinsurance to cover the really big claims. That means if one person incurs huge costs, our reinsurance will pay for it, not you. Second, our business model has been vetted by several reliable institutions and individuals. Our actuaries are nationally recognized for their expertise in the field. The New York State Insurance Department is one of the most highly regulated in the nation, with very strict guidelines for approval. We have met all of their requirements. Our funders also conducted due diligence, which means they took a close look at our business model to make sure the company is built on sound financial and actuarial projections. Many of our funders made low-interest loans, not grants. If they didn’t have confidence that they would get paid back, they wouldn’t have invested in the company. Finally, this company is financed by the country’s leading philanthropies and businesses. The Rockefeller Foundation, New York State Health Foundation, Ford Foundation, New York City Investment Fund, Prudential’s Social Investments and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation are joint partners in this venture. The source of our funding makes a big difference. We are not funded by private equity, which would demand high profits for shareholders. Our only shareholder is the Freelancers Union, and Freelancers Union’s priority is the wellbeing of our members. Without this pressure for high profits, we can focus on providing the best, most affordable health coverage for our members that we can, and we are positioned to do it over the long term. Freelancers Insurance Company is here to stay.