Reminder: Creative Freelancer Conference next week in Chicago!

If you haven't made plans yet to attend the Creative Freelancer Conference in Chicago, there's still time to register. And as a Freelancers Union member, you get a discount: $40 off the registration rate with discount code FRE8. The conference, which runs three days (August 27-29), will feature sessions on marketing, contracts, pricing, and more. But we'll let the folks putting together the conference speak for themselves. Here are their 10 reasons that you should attend:

1. It’s for you. No other conference is devoted solely to the business aspects of creative-industry freelancing, from marketing and money matters to contracts and client retention. 2. It’s affordable. Where else can you get expert advice from seven creative-business veterans (and a few hundred fellow freelancers) for less than $500? 3. It’s meaty. No intellectual fluff. No abstract ideas to ponder. Just practical advice, proven techniques and here’s-how-you-do-it information that will move your business forward. 4. It’s elsewhere. As in, away from clients, deadlines and distractions—for three productive days. 5. It’s affirming. The conference program is built on the understanding that you’re not just a freelancer—you’re a solo creative professional. An agency of one. And the envy of cubicled creatives everywhere. 6. It’s collaborative. If you often wonder "how do other freelancers do this?", you’ll have several chances to find out. Networking events such as Breakfast Roundtables and the Opening Happy Hour are the perfect forum for sharing best and worst practices. 7. It’s cross-pollinatory. (That's not a word, but it should be.) With an attendee mix of designers, illustrators, writers and photographers, the potential for idea—and business card—exchange is enormous. 8. It’s deductible. What better way to reduce your taxable income for the third quarter? 9. It’s in Chicago. Right before Labor Day weekend. And the Cubs are in town. 10. Because you can. (maniacal laugh)