Call for panelists: freelancing as a journalist
Next year, the NABJ Media Institute will be hosting a seminar on the changing employment landscape of the field of media. They're looking for working journalists to speak at the event. "The Business of Freelancing: Having a career you love and making a good living at the same time" will take place in May of 2009. From the NABJ Media Institute:
Because of the constant change in the journalism industry, staff positions are being reduced at record numbers. It is not certain whether the newsrooms of tomorrow will hire employees or independent contractors. Wouldn’t you like to be ahead of the pack? The goal of the seminar is to show journalists how to transition into freelancing,; whether it be from a layoff, buyout or by choice and to teach the business side of freelancing in order to continue to have a successful career. If you are a thriving freelance journalist working as a writer, editor, producer, videographer in print, TV, radio or on the web please contact us to be a part of the panel discussion and breakout sessions. Gina Gayle 646-245-1241