Member of the week: Heather Lindquist, photographer

Our member of the week is Heather Lindquist. Heather is a freelance photographer and photojournalist based in Chicago, but she sometimes travels for work--even as far as China. Heather is currently working on publishing a book documenting her trip to China. In addition to her documentary photography, Heather works as a photographer for weddings. To see pictures of her trip to China, as well as wedding photos, check out Heather’s website. Learn more about Heather’s experiences as a freelance photojournalist in her profile and in our interview with her below.

1. What has been your most interesting project?

My most interesting project is still underway. I took the trip of a lifetime to Tibet and China going on three years ago now, and have been hard at work compiling images and excerpts from my journal to get a book published. It is still an educational experience for me even three years later. I went on a photographic and spiritual pilgrimage. The trip forever changed my life.

2. Why did you decide to go freelance?

I am a very independent person and I like the freedom to work on my own schedule. I decided to go freelance some years ago and had to work other jobs in the meantime, which always detracted from my goals to confidently pursue my photography. I relocated to the Chicago area in hopes of finding more consistent work and taking the leap so that I can pursue my other philanthropic work.

3. What tip would you give to a new freelancer or someone who is considering going freelance?

My tip for a new freelancer would be to have diligence and perseverance. It is a competitive field to play in.

4. What is your favorite spot in the city in which you live?

My favorite spot in the city that I live is Lake Michigan. I am fortunate to live right on the lake and it is a very peaceful place.

5. What is your inspiration?

My inspiration is meeting new people and seeing new places. I love to communicate through the lens and hope that my photos bring a sense of place to the viewer.