• Advocacy

My Union Is...

Creative? Flexible? Resourceful? Connected? What’s a union, anyway?

As the way we work is changing -- more independence, less big business; more spontaneity, less stability -- and it’s recent grads and twentysomethings who are at the forefront of the new work movement.

I’m in that mess too: I’m a Millennial, and I care about what this revolution’s going to look like. Because whether we like it or not: having a steady job is so 2004.

I joined Freelancers Union because I wanted to show solidarity with freelancers everywhere, but there are lots of things a union can do. I’m curious about what you think about what unions are and what they do, and what you’d like to see from yours. Do you have any ideas for how unions can improve? How do you see them functioning today?

Join us in Hives for a weeklong discussion. If you’re a young freelancer, no matter where you are or what you do, we want to hear from you!