Save the date: May 15 is only a month away!

Good news, freelancers: On Monday, May 15, the Freelance Isn't Free Act becomes law in New York City.

We're psyched to have more protections for freelancers – and hope that with your help we can make nonpayment a thing of the past.

The law is just the first step towards ensuring that freelancers get fair treatment. As a group, we need to work together to share resources and information, identify bad actors, and organize against deadbeat clients who break the law.

Join the Freelance Action Network to be part of a growing movement (10,000 freelancers strong!) mobilized in support of better policies for the independent workforce.


In the meantime, mark May 15 on your calendar – we'll be holding a special event to celebrate!

Want to read up on the law? Learn more on our Plain Language page – and share the link with freelance friends and colleagues... as well as clients who might not be aware of the new law.