5 tips for creating a slogan with distinction
As a freelancer, you are likely more than aware of the fact that it’s important to find a way to focus a lot of attention on your business and services. After all, getting people to notice you among the sea of competition is likely one of the most difficult, and expensive parts of being an entrepreneur.
Advertisements for an entrepreneur’s business can dig deep into their wallets. The problem with this is the fact that if you are trying to get exposure, chances are you are pretty new to owning your own business and investing funds is something you have to do cautiously.
Therefore, before paying for expensive ads, it’s important that you devise something that will make your business or service stick in people’s minds. A great way to do this is to create a catchy slogan and logo.
Check out these great tips that can make the process simple…
1. Every business needs a logo
A logo is a great way of leaving an impression on a person from little more than a quick glance. More often than not, people only look at a logo for a split second. For this reason, it’s vital that you design a logo that will catch someone’s eyes.
Be original, avoid making it hard to read and never make it appear flooded with text or designs. Your logo will work much better if you keep it easy on the eyes.
2. Keep your logo/slogan simple
Some people think that making things look overcomplicated makes them look more professional. This isn’t the case. Rather, overcomplicating things sends a negative message.
It basically states that a person is incapable of describing their business in a simple manner. This not only looks unprofessional; it will lead to poor results when it comes to the effectiveness of your logo/slogan.
3. Try to include some humor
If at all possible, try and find a way to add some humor into your logo or slogan. People really enjoy a good laugh. Take advantage of this and leave a lasting impression on people with the magical gift of humor.
4. Make your slogan concise
When making your slogan, it’s important that you keep in mind the fact that slogans are often attached to logos. Therefore, it’s important that you create a concise slogan. Make it something that really packs a punch, but do it in only a few words.
5. Honesty is the best policy
Never, I repeat, never use a slogan or a logo that portrays a false image for your business. It may bring people in initially, but word will quickly spread that your business lacks integrity. In the world of business, word of mouth is everything. Therefore, it’s important to always be honest, especially when creating a logo or a slogan.
Avoid using slogans that include terms such as “#1” or “the best”. Even if these things are true, it can be extremely hard to prove something like that. Instead, stick to something original that will excite people, catch their interest, and lead to you having happy customers and clients.
By implementing these easy to follow tips, you will achieve the most important goal of all and that is to position yourself above the crowd and add distinction to everything you do. The result will be a multitude of targeted clients who will support your freelancing endeavors and provide many happy returns.
This is a post from a member of the Freelancers Union community. If you’re interested in sharing your expertise, your story, or some advice you think will help a fellow freelancer out, feel free to send your blog post to us here.