Chronic worriers might be more creative

In an article published by the health and fitness guru David Wolfe, those who exhibit signs of an overactive imagination through constant worrying may in fact be the creative geniuses of our time.

It seems that worrying and being creative go hand-in-hand. When we worry, we often fabricate scenarios and explanations for what is occurring. Like the patterns of a complex quilt, our deepest concerns and, yes, fears are often made visible through our creative processes.

Wolfe writes, “It is the people who worry that are the creators. They are the ones who see the problems that need to be fixed before the happy go lucky people of the world.”

Sometimes creating our life work can be one of the greatest struggles of all.

Rest assured, my anxiety-ridden compatriots, we are in good company.

Take a moment to consider the famous, renowned creative geniuses of our time and the times before: Emily Dickinson, Kurt Cobain, Steve Jobs, Tina Fey, Albert Einstein, and so many others!

Creativity is beautiful, painful, and all the layers in between. But this is what makes it so worth it.

As artists, innovators, and designers we must continually challenge these notions that being slightly neurotic and detailed-oriented is in fact an unwanted state of mind.

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Instead, let’s try and view these traits as a means to stay honest and dedicated to our work.

Channeling our creativity can be the healthiest way for us to focus our minds and allow our anxieties to calm themselves.

We are the creative, innovating freelancers. And we can be loud and proud. Anxious and hyperfocused on the teeny tiniest details.

But no details are too small when it comes to what we love. So the next time you start creating all sorts of reasons why your date didn’t return your call or why your cat just has to walk so darn close to the breakable objects in the precariously high places of your house, instead of stifling that anxious banter in your mind, pick up a pen and paper and get to writing.

A brush and paint shall do just fine, too.

Whatever your creative element–let it flow.

An aspiring novelist and human and animal rights activist, Sarah Sather is the Communications Associate at Freelancers Union. When she’s not writing blog posts and editing articles, Sarah’s exploring NYC with her lovely girlfriend and their dachshund Mila.