Cheers! You're invited to happy hour with local freelancers!

Join Spark at a local watering hole near YOU this August 5 for a “Happy Hour Networking” event!

Haven't heard of Spark?

On the first Wednesday night of every month, freelance web developers, food writers, brand strategists, graphic designers, event planners and more come together to learn new skills, trade tips, and get advice.

Typically, these events take place in well-lit, relatively quiet spaces, where attendees can seriously ponder the meaning of their freelance life.

This August 5, we’re letting loose!

So go ahead, let your hair down and join us for a little summertime fun on August 5th for a happy hour with a group of people who actually like their boss - freelancers!

RSVP to the Spark closest to you

Don’t see a Spark in your city? Apply to be an organizer! Even in cities with a Spark, organizers love to collaborate and are always looking for new helping hands. Apply here today!





Culver City

Jersey City

Los Angeles








San Antonio

San Diego

San Francisco


Spark is sponsored by Freshbooks

FreshBooks is the #1 cloud accounting software designed exclusively for service-based small business owners.

Freelancers Union members receive a 30 day trial and a 10% discount on any paid FreshBooks package.

Access the discount here.

At Freelancers Union, Sharon creates opportunities for freelancers to meet, greet, and learn. Find her @sharonlikestone or at the nearest bakery.