It's National Boss Appreciation Day! (You're the boss...get it?)

Did you see the news? According to our new study, there are more than 53 MILLION people working as freelancers in the United States.

That’s 1 in 3 American employees, 34% of the workforce -- in other words, A LOT of people.

So let’s celebrate, shall we?

We hereby proclaim September 9th National Boss Appreciation Day! (Get it?)

As any freelancer knows, being your own boss isn’t always a walk in the park. So today, take this opportunity to let your boss know how much you care.

Say thanks, give them a hug, buy them an extra cup of coffee (or maybe even an iPhone 6). Your boss is the coolest, so let them know how you feel!

Why is your boss the coolest? Let us know on Twitter using #53millionbosses. We’d love to hear about it.

And to all of the freelancers out there, Happy Boss Appreciation Day!