Great reads for the weekend: This week in freelance-land (5/11/14)

Happy Mother’s Day, Freelancers!

This week, in the leadup to Mother’s Day, we saw a lot in the news about net neutralit_y_, Apple’s acquisition of Beats by Dre, (most importantly) and a tiny hamster eating a very tiny burrito.

If your eyes were glued to the hamster video all week, as mine were, you may have missed all that was happening on our blog. So sit back, click through these links, and have a relaxing Mother’s Day…especially if you’re a freelance mom!

On Freelancing:

Where does the word “freelance” come from?: Doesn’t the word “freelancer” feel somehow noble and adventurous? It turns out that’s exactly what it originally implied!

How to start freelancing (without quitting your day job): A lot of successful freelance careers started as side gigs. Keep your full-time job (for now) and get your freelance feet wet with these tips!

How to survive as a freelancer: We all know how exciting, fun and rewarding freelancing can be. But if you’re new to freelancing, there are a number of pitfalls that you should avoid. This is a great starting point for all freelancers.

What I wish I knew about the freelance life: We asked our members what they would tell their 18-year-old selves about the freelance life if they could. This is what they said.

How to raise your freelance rates: Most freelancers would love to raise their rates. Do you? Well here’s how to get started.

How to communicate effectively with clients: Sure, you’ve spoken with your client about a project. That doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ve truly communicated with them.

Tax and financial planning strategies for freelancers: One element of successful freelance life is achieving long-term financial security. Here is a quick beginner's guide to tax planning, asset protection planning, and retirement planning.

Mother’s Day

Great gifts for Mother’s Day from independent artists & crafters: Forget the oven mitt! Try supporting independent artists and small businesses this Mother’s Day. Here are some suggestions.

How to explain your freelancing career to your mom: Explaining what you do for a living isn’t the easy thing, especially when it comes to your mom. Unless your mom is freelance rockstar herself, many of you will probably need this.

Other interesting articles

Seasonal allergy tips to help you not sneeze on your client: We’re all thrilled that the foulest winter in years is over, but for those of us with allergies, the nightmare is just beginning. Here are some natural ways to kick allergies to the curb.

Why do creative people sometimes hate creating?: As freelancers, we need to be creative even when we really, really don’t feel like it. Why do we hate it? How do we push through? Lindsay Van Thoen investigates.

How to use a semicolon: Don’t feel lost, knowing when to properly use a semicolon is confusing even for grammar aficionados.

Leave your laptop at home: It might be time to give the laptop a break. A new study says that there’s a memory advantage to using pen and paper when taking notes.

Quote of the Week

“One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful" - Sigmund Freud

— Freelancers Union (@freelancersu) May 8, 2014