What did you Learn in your First Year of Freelancing

We all begin our freelance journey in different ways. Some of us were born knowing that we didn’t deal well with bosses, others were forced into it due to the recession, while many effortlessly managed to turn their side gig into a sustainable freelance career. However you got here, we can all agree on one universal freelance truth: The first year of freelance life can be rough.

But it’s important that we grow from our experiences, analyze that time in our lives, and take those invaluable lessons on to the next chapter of our freelance lives. That’s how we evolve - and how we ultimately become self-actualized freelancers.

Yesterday, we asked our Twitter community a simple question: What did you learn in your first year of freelancing?

The responses we received were more impassioned, insightful, and funnier than we could have imagined! WCBS radio even mentioned a few of them during their daily broadcast! Here are a few of our favorites:

@freelancersu That freelancing will bring old friends out of the woodwork, wondering what you do, how you do it, and how THEY can do it.

— Susan Allen (@SupSvcMI) January 27, 2014

@freelancersu It took longer than a year to learn this but: Make good use of slow times, because thankfully they will end.

— Fred Sandsmark (@FredSandsmark) January 27, 2014

@freelancersu Your friends think you have a trust fund.

— Marjorie McAtee (@marjoriemcatee) January 27, 2014

@freelancersu your parents think you're nuts and your friends think youre brilliant

— Sean Daly (@seaneveryday) January 27, 2014

@freelancersu Being tenacious, honest, and willing to work your tail off will get you to amazing places.

— Kali Hawlk (@CSMillennial) January 27, 2014

@freelancersu I should have saved more money.

— Christopher Meyers (@cjmemay) January 27, 2014

@freelancersu Ask for the sale! Ask for the referral! Ask for the reference! You have not because you ask not.

— thatsoftwareguy (@thatsoftwareguy) January 27, 2014

@freelancersu It only seems impossible until you do it

— vinceconaway (@vinceconaway) January 27, 2014

@freelancersu If you always exceed expectations & your clients are happy, the phone will ring again. If you get a quiet day - enjoy it!

— Rolf Mortenson (@rolfsf) January 27, 2014

**Freelancers, what did you learn in your first year of freelancing? **