How do You Find Your Creative Center?

In a world of increasing distractions, it can be a challenge to maintain your creativity.

You’ve got numerous gigs, deadlines, a cell phone going off, Facebook events to ignore, and maybe a little one that needs to be taken care of. With all of these things taking up your brain space, it’s important that we all know exactly how to get in touch with our creative center.

You’ve got the skills, now it’s time to develop the strategy.

Nietzsche believed that good thinking happened while walking. Aristotle did too.

A lot of people enjoy maxing out on their couch. You can escape into a variety of places while on a couch. A movie, a song, or maybe dreamland?

Yoga can work too. Focus on your breathing, increase the awareness of your body, and let the creative juices flow!
(Savasana is my favorite pose...and yes, I do yoga with my shoes on)

Maybe you just have a quiet place in your apartment. Maybe it’s surrounded by plants….or maybe not. Sometimes our creative centers are found in places that only we think are truly special.

Personally, when I can’t seem to get the motor in my brain started I’ll jump on my bike. A ride through the neighborhood allows me to adjust my focus (“don’t hit anything”) and forget about all of the minutiae of daily life. I find that once I’ve been riding for a few minutes, ideas start flooding in. Some of them are brilliant, others not so much. The important thing is that it helps my brain arrive at that perfectly creative center.

It’s not a very nice bike, but it gets me from point A to my creative center.

Your creativity has gotten you this far. You’re a freelancer for goodness sake! You’ve already pushed traditional work aside and come up with your own business, brand and product. If that’s not a sign of a creative person, I don’t know what is. You just have to find that center.

Where do you find yours?