November 2, 2010: Our Big Day through Photos
No, I'm not talking about a wedding! Although, Election Day 2010 did prove to be incredibly exciting and the start of new beginnings for Freelancers Union. Seventy-two of our endorsed candidates won their races and we are looking forward to working with them in the new session. We think their victories had a little bit to do with the hard work and dedication of our members, and their willingness to brave the freezing wind tunnels that are certain blocks of the Upper East Side, Brooklyn, and Long Island. All told, we kept a rotating post at the polling sites for over 12 hours! Some shots of the occasion for your viewing pleasure:
**David displays the campaign lit (an excellent slate of freelancer-friendly politicos, I must say) for the camera. **
** Our intern Jon bundled up and basking in some early morning rays.**
Tim discussing the finer intricacies of Freelancers Union with a community member.
Colleen has spotted a potential voter and is poised for action!
**Freelancers Union organizer Kaitlyn and a Working Families Party ally hit up the 6 train. **
Claire is all smiles.
** The sun has set on the city, but Lowell perseveres. Only two more hours until the polls close!**
Part of the crew! An amazing group of leaders doing their part to build protections for a new 21st century workforce.
Liked perusing this photo gallery and want to see more of your fellow members in action? Be sure to check out other albums at the official Freelancers Union Flickr page.