Good things to you
Wishing all you freelancers, temps, independent contractors, part-timers, and self-employees a happy, merry, joyous, festive, healthy, hearty, peaceful, productive, cozy, restorative, restful, and loving holiday season and new year. At least those are the things on this blogger's wish list. So what's on yours? Send your story, wish list, video, or photos to us for some new features we're working on for the website. One of our top resolutions for 2010 is to include more of your faces, work, and places on our website, so we can all get to know each other and support each other better. We know this has been a wild year for our membership. Many have seen their business and careers change, both for better and for worse. Thanks for continuing to share your challenges and successes with us--this is one fascinating and powerful community.
photo by jspad via / [CC BY-NC-SA 2.0]